How to find whether a given number is even or odd without using % (modulus) operator ?
A newbie question. Here is a simple C++ solution.
bool isOdd(int num){
return num&1?true:false;
return num&1?true:false;
If the number is odd then it's least significant bit (LSB) is set i.e. it is 1. If it is even then it is 0. When you bitwise and (&) this number with 1, the result would be either 1 if the number is odd or zero if it is even.
As rightly pointed out by SpS, the same code can be implemented in C (following C99 standard) as
bool isOdd(int num){
return (num&1)?true:false;
bool isOdd(int num){
return (num&1)?true:false;
Here stdbool.h defines the macros bool, true and false. The macro bool is defined to be _Bool (the boolean type according to C99 standard). true is a macro which expands to the decimal constant 1 and false is a macro which expands to decimal constant 0.
For C89 sticklers
int isOdd(int num){
return (num&1);
return (num&1);
You can use the returned value to determine if the number is odd or not. If the value returned is 0, the number is even. It is odd otherwise.
Nice Example Visit Java Example
Nice Article visit Good Even Odd Example
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